Sunday, September 11, 2011

Youth group 9/11/11

Because this was the 10th anniversary of 9/11 that made the math pretty easy for me tonight.  The kids, in 6th - 12th grade, would have been in -4th through 2nd grade at the time of the attacks.  So, for tonight, we just talked more about bad people in general, the loss that we have felt with recent students dying, and the presentation we had at our high school recently about the Columbine killings.

So...  Why does gos let these things happen?  I threw the question out there and just let in hang in the air.

There wasn't much of a response, and I did answer the question, but only after 5-6 minutes of awkward guesses.  I hope I got them thinking.

Overall, I did have a good time tonight.  There were a few kids there that hadn't been at the Sunday nights, but had often come to the Wednesday night dinners.

This week we are planning for the future!  We have a meeting on Tuesday about the future of the Youth Group and I'm happy to be a part of that.  My days are numbered in Clewiston, but this church has a great opportunity and I hope they can fully take advantage of it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Let me know who you asked to make a dessert. If you haven't then GET TO IT!!! We need at least 20!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HI!!! Remember that tonight is Wed night dinner!!! Let Mark or I know if you need a ride. Also, we are doing a desert auction in 2 weeks (March 30). Ask people at dinner tonight if they would be willing to bake a desert for us. (If you don't know anyone, ask PJ who would be good!!!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey everyone!!! I hope you ane enjoying your time off!! It's almost 1, so I hope you are up!!! we are not going to the lock in this weekend because only a couple of kids were interested and able to go. We will have one at our church before the end of the school year. Keep your ears open!!! Also, the next two Wednesdays after this one are youth group fundraisers, be sure to participate!!! Remember the website: . THANKS and GOD Bless you!!! Be safe!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Also, if you plan on going to the lock in this Friday and you won't be here tonight let me know tonight!!! PEACE!!!!
Wassup!!! Let us know if you need a ride to youth group tonight!!! Remember we start at 515!!! Did you turn your clock forward as well??? COOL BEANS!!!
Let us know if you need a ride to church!!! Also!!!! Set your clocks forward this morning!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Also, let me know if you need a ride this morning!!!
Our BBQ is TODAY!!! I'd like our help to come at 10. Also, we are still accepting cash sales, so encourage your friends and family to come out. If you have them mention your name, you will get credit for the sale. it's $7!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Remember that we are making cookies tonight at 530!!! Come and help out! Also, I want the youth here at around 10 tomorrow morning. REMEMBER: If you wanna do stuff this summer, sell tickets and put in your time!!! Be sure to sign in tonight and tomorrow and at all fundraising events!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let us know if you need a ride tonight!!! Also, give me an update on your ticket sales!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let us know if you need a ride to youth!!! See ya later! Remember we start at 515!!! Thanks!
Let us know if you need a ride!!! GO TO YOUR CHURCH, wherever that may be!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

AHH!!! It's on Saturday!!!!!!! Sorry!!!
REMINDER: Our chicken BBQ fundraiser is next Thursday!!! Sell your tickets, get some more!!! Also, we will need help in the morning, from 10 until 2. Support your youth group so we can support you!!!
Let me know if you can participate in ticket sales today. We will probably be back in town around noon!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wassup!!! You had better be selling tickets if you wanna do our trips this summer!!! Also, just support your youth group!!! See me at school if you need some. Also, we are meeting at noon on Saturday to call through the directory to try and sell tickets. If you are available I expect you to come! I want to do dome awesome stuff but we NEED some MONEY if we want to do awesome stuff!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Youth Group HOY

Hey there youth grouppers!!!

First, I got some business with you!!!

Form 1: What are you doing this summer?

Form 2: What are some ways adults can help the youth program???

Also, there is a district lock in at the end of spring break, March 18-19!!! It says until Sunday, but I think we'll check out Sat evening. Registration form

Also, we talked about ALCOHOL!!! Check this out.

That's all I have...